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Self Care

It is very important to take care of yourself.  When you feel better, you can take better care of others and deal with problems better.

One way is to slow down and take a moment to enjoy or appreciate your surroundings.  Whether it is a beautiful sky, an invigorating conversation, or a cute baby,  give it some of your attention and enjoy the feeling it brings you.

Another activity is to stand 30 seconds longer in the shower and enjoy the water running over your head.

And don’t forget exercise!  A short, brisk walk does wonders for your mood.

Change of Seasons

Did you know that many people struggle with the change from Summer to Fall and even more so from Fall to Winter?

The days are shorter, and we generally get to be less outside.  We feel tired quicker or more often, and have to work harder to get ourselves places.  It is extra important during this time to take good care of yourself.  Put effort into feeding your body and soul.  Try that nice fall recipe or take that walk in the woods to see the leaves change colors.

Reach out to your friends and share happy moments.